This is the official website of Warren Van Zuydam, a.k.a Dee23Gaming
This is my personal website, used to host my blogs, art, YouTube videos, useful links, and anything else I feel like. This website is my "online home". I thought that making this website 90's-style would catch people off guard, and spark curiosity, and longing for the era of web 1.0, where this aesthetic was once the norm for all websites. If you're a regular user of the Neocities platform, then you've expected this. If you're just someone who searched for my name, and came across this website, then you are probably very curious right now. Web 2.0, and the corporatisation of websites have taken all the fun, soul, and uniqueness out of websites.
This website was created on Tuesday, 31 December 2024, at 21:35.
You can also visit my business website. Both my websites are hand-coded, but wildly different.
Feel free to chat with me in the guestbook.
Some cool/useful links for myself (and maybe you too!):
- YouTube
- My YouTube channel
- Spotify
- Inkscape
- LibreOffice
- Krita
- Gimp
- Minecraft.net
- Luanti.org
- MS-DOS games
- Noclip in your favourite old games
- Useful Calendar website
- ExplainingComputers.com
- Lorem Ipsum text generator
- Free fonts
- SVG icons website
- Free guestbook website for your own website :)
- Free image compressor
- Wiby search engine
- Marginalia search engine
- Old Gif search engine
- Macintosh emulators
- Flash games museum